Insomnia Causes
Many people worry about not getting enough sleep. Insomnia is not unusual when undergoing a particularly stressful period. However, this sometimes triggers chronic insomnia, and re-establishing a healthy sleep pattern may be difficult. Some people worry about whether or not they are going to be able to sleep, even before going to bed. This, in turn, causes insomnia as the person lies awake worrying about not being able to fall asleep.
Health Issues
Health problems often interfere with sleep. People who suffer pain, perhaps from a condition like arthritis, may find the pain keeps them awake at night. Heart conditions and respiratory problems can make it difficult to lie down comfortably. An overactive thyroid gland may cause restlessness and sleeplessness. Women may find that menopause causes disturbed sleep patterns.
Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs and alcohol interfere with natural sleep, and people who are withdrawing from substance abuse also report problems with sleep. Not only illicit drugs cause sleep problems, but also prescribed medications, such as beta-blockers, may cause disturbed sleep.
Other Disturbances
A person's insomnia may be caused by other influences, such as a partner who snores, loud neighbors or shift work. In particular, night work may disturb the body's natural clock and sleep pattern. Short-term sleep problems may be caused by jet lag. The environment itself may play a role; for example, the bedroom or bed may be too hot or too cold.