Things to Help You Sleep Better
Help your brain to turn itself off by turning off most electrical items before bed. This means no computer, television, phone or game just before bed. The lighting from the screens can stimulate the brain at a time when you want that particular muscle to wind down. The noise also doesn't help. Unplug your electronics just before you begin your bedtime routine.
Eat and Drink
Eat a little something a couple hours before bed to avoid going to bed on an empty stomach. A rumbling belly will make it difficult to get to sleep. Drinking warm, caffeine-free beverages at bedtime can increase your body temperature, making it easier to fall asleep. Don't drink too much or a full bladder may disrupt sleep. Avoid alcohol before bed because too much can disrupt sleep later in the night. Also, stay away from chemical stimulants like nicotine and caffeine in the hours before bed.
Control the Climate
Set the room temperature a few degrees cooler than the normal daytime temperature. Use a dehumidifier to decrease the humidity in the room. High heat and humidity can make the room too uncomfortable to sleep.
While exercise just before bed can trigger the release of endorphins and make sleep impossible, strenuous exercise a few hours before bed can enhance sleep. Putting a minimum of 2 hours between your bedtime and the end of your exercise routine will allow time for the endorphins to come and go. The result is a body ready for rest. Regular exercise can enhance sleep as well.
Get Comfortable
Choose a mattress that is hypoallergenic to prevent sleep disruptions due to allergies. Look for a mattress that meets your individual comfort needs. Body pillows---pillows that are 4 feet or more in length--are ideal for pregnant women, especially those in their second and third trimesters. These pillows help relieve pressure on the woman's back.