How to Fall Asleep Fast, Naturally
How to fall asleep fast by changing up your room:
First off, make sure that your room is nice and dark. Use an alarm clock that has red digital colors, rather than the bright green etc., as these colors are more likely to keep you awake. Use dark curtains or shades that can keep your room nice and dark. -
Fall asleep fast by fixing up your bed:
Make sure that your bed is nice and cozy. It may be time to change out your sheets and purchase new pillows, if you are having trouble getting comfortable. You may want to use a body pillow to wrap your legs around, as this can help you get in a relaxing position. -
How to fall asleep fast with lavender scents:
Purchase some lavender oil or lotion and apply this to your body right before bed time. It may also help to light a lavender candle approximately one hour before going to bed. DO NOT forget to blow it out before bed time. -
Fall fast asleep by allowing your mind to relax and forget about daily troubles:
Finally, it's always helpful to allow yourself at least 20 minutes of down time before bed. Everyone's mind needs time to slow down after a busy day at work, or with the kids. So, watch a funny T.V show that can take your mind off of your daily stresses, or take a warm bath to relax your mind and body.