How to Change a Sleep Cycle
Avoid food for 12 to 16 hours before you want to wake up. A study done by Harvard Medical School found that food is the key to changing a sleep cycle. When you wake up, eat a good meal to signal to your body that the day is beginning.
Remove distractions from your bedroom. Lights, cell phones and computers are just a few things that may distract you from sleeping. Your room should be distraction-free so you can relax and slumber.
Fall asleep 15 minutes earlier every night. Instead of diving in, take the time to adjust to going to bed earlier. At the same time, wake up 15 minutes earlier. Your body will be more receptive to adjustment.
Maintain a bed time. If you go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time every day, your body will become immune to the change.
Darken your room. Make it completely dark when you fall asleep so when you wake up the light signals to your body that the new day is beginning.