Meditation Techniques for Sleeping
Falling Asleep Using Meditation
Begin by making sure you are completely ready for bed. There should be no distractions. Turn on some soothing music, preferably without lyrics. Turn out your lights, make yourself comfortable on your back and close your eyes.
Any meditation technique will use breathing as a tool to relax and control your mind. Taking slow, deep breaths in through your nose, then out through your mouth, slowing them from start to finish, is an excellent way to begin your meditation. With your eyes closed, breath in through your nose to the count of 10, hold for two seconds, then release through your mouth. Repeat for a minimum of 20 breaths. This should bring you into a state of relaxation.
With your eyes closed, imagine a warm sun shining on your belly, warming it from the outside in, and then the warmth spreading outward from your stomach to your chest and pelvis, then up your neck and down your legs, until it radiates all the way to the ends of your fingers and toes.
Float Away
Concentrate on your breathing while you are using imagery. As the sun warms your body, imagine it being filled with light, and all the parts of your body growing lighter and lighter, almost floating. You should be deep in a state of relaxation now, and coherent thought should be slipping away. If at anytime you feel yourself being drawn back to your body and taken from your meditative state, slow your breathing and imagine the color red around your body slowly shifting down to orange, then yellow, then green, then dark blue. This will draw you back into a sleep state.