How to Break Bad Sleep Habits
Things You'll Need
- A comfortable bed
- The ability to turn off the remote control
- Quiet environment
- A set time to wake up
- Commitment
Wake up at the same time each day. By establishing a set wake-up time, you allow your body to develop a routine. Maintain this wake-up time even on the weekends.
Stay out of bed until you are sleepy. Pay attention to your body; when you feel tired, head to bed. Do not watch TV or work in bed. Reserve your bed for sleeping and sex only.
Exercise each day. Many people spend many sedentary hours each day. At lease 30 minutes of aerobic exercise performed before 3 p.m. allows your body to expend energy that could otherwise keep you awake at night. A regular exercise routine will help you fall asleep easier and sleep more soundly. Exercise late in the day could exacerbate your sleep challenges and keep you awake.
Turn off electronics 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Electronics such as the computer, television, loud music and cell phones can have a stimulating effect on the brain. Instead, read a book, do some light stretching or meditate. These calming activities will prepare your mind and body for sleep.
Resolve stressors that will keep you awake. Stress is a natural and common part of life, especially when dealing with other people, including family members. If your stress has to do with life's circumstances, write down your plan to resolve the issue before retiring for the night. When stress is related to an argument or family conflict, make it a habit to resolve these conflicts prior to going to bed.
Restrict stimulants four hours prior to bedtime. Many people would not consider drinking coffee before bed, but stimulants such as ice tea, cola, chocolate and nicotine should also be avoided four to six hours before bed. If sleep still eludes you, it might be time to consider removing all stimulants from your life to see if that helps.
Perform your nighttime routine before you're tired. If you wait to wash your face and brush your teeth until you are tired and ready to crawl into bed, you run the risk of waking yourself back up with these refreshing activities. Instead, make a habit of performing these tasks when you turn the TV off each night.
Avoid eating a large meal within three hours of your normal bedtime. The process of digestion generates body heat and increases the potential for indigestion or acid reflux. Also, the discomfort of a full stomach alone can make it difficult to get comfortable and fall asleep.