How to Go to Sleep without Drugs or Sleeping Pills
Write your to-do list. Before you go to bed, write your daily to-do list for the following day. If you have the list on paper, it will keep you from making mental lists all night long, while laying in bed trying to go to sleep.
Understand there is nothing you can do late at night. You may have problems and worries, yet chances are, there is nothing you can to until the morning. So why worry? What you can't fix in the moment, stop obsessing and tell yourself you will deal with the issue when possible. If necessary, add it to your to do list.
Establish your day dream. This will be your "sleeping pill" substitute. Everyone has some fantasy day dream. It may be within the realm of possibility, such as starting a horse ranch - or an absolutely out of reach fantasy, like homesteading on the moon.
Write a book about your fantasy day dream. Kinda, sorta. When you lay down to go to sleep, don't just think about the dream, think about it in such a way that you are writing a book about it. Before you finish your first page, you will be fast asleep.
Start writing where you left off. The next night, when you go to bed, start "writing" your book where you left off the previous night. Keep this daydream/story removed from your everyday worries and real to-do lists. It is your escape, to allow you to unwind, similar to actually reading a book to help you sleep.