How to Use Exercise to Sleep Better
Do strenuous aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is what has been shown to be most effective at inducing restful sleep patterns. This is because while vigorous exercise initially increases stress hormones that keep you wakeful, there is a rebound effect that takes place several hours after a workout. The end result is lowered stress hormones, and this is conducive to better sleep.
Do the right amount of exercise for your fitness level, and not more. Though vigorous activity is beneficial for better sleep, overexertion will not make you sleep better. On the contrary, too much exercise can actually increase stress hormones so much that the beneficial rebound effect is negated. Also, muscle soreness from pushing yourself too hard can keep you from getting comfortable in bed. These two things do not add up to improved sleep quality.
Exercise minimally in the evening. Research indicates that more than 3 hours per week of night time exercise may decrease your quality of sleep. However, if you like to work out at the end of the day, you don't need to change this habit completely, just keep it less than 3 hours. If you want to exercise more, work out in the morning instead. Also, refrain from exercising within three hours of retiring. This allows time for your stress hormones to decline so that your body is ready for sleep.
Increase the length of your morning workouts. Expert opinions vary on which time of day is best for exercise, but studies show that if you work out early in the day, you need to exercise longer to maximize sleep benefits. If your prefer morning exercise, a minimum of 3 hours and 45 minutes per week are necessary to improve sleep.
Keep a sleep and exercise log. Record the amount of exercise you do and the time of day. Also rate and record your quality of your sleep on a daily basis. This way you can observe any correlation between your workout routine and how well you sleep, and then make adjustments accordingly.