How to Combat Insomnia
Things You'll Need
- Caffeine-free herbal tea
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Favorite novel or non-fiction book
- Massage oils
- Non-processed turkey (optional)
Clean your bedroom. Is your bedroom cluttered, slightly messy or downright filthy? If so, pick up clothes, throw away trash and put everything else in its proper place. It's extremely difficult to relax or fall asleep amidst any sort of chaos, especially if you are an insomniac.
Have a fresh turkey sandwich for dinner. Non-processed turkey is laden with the naturally occurring, sleep-inducing chemical tryptophan. Though the amount of turkey you'll have to consume in order to get enough tryptophan is quite large, it won't hurt to eat a small amount, and may even be helpful, though just slightly.
Go for a brisk early evening walk. Twenty to 30 minutes of this activity will trigger a release of soothing endorphins, helping to alleviate the anxiety insomnia feeds on.
Gently knead tension-holding back, shoulder and neck muscles with lightly scented massage oils. Enlist the help of a loved one for maximum relaxation.
Brew decaffeinated herbal tea (chamomile and green are two delicious choices), curl up in bed with a favorite book and start reading. The combination of aromatherapy and familiarity should have you primed for sleep in no time.