How to Go to Sleep
Things You'll Need
- Lavender bubble bath
- Relaxing music or sounds CD
- Warm milk
- Herbal tea
- Essential oils
- Book
- Doctor
Take a warm bath with lavender or any other kind of soothing bubble bath right before bed. The warmth of the water is a great way to relax your body while the scent of lavender relaxes your mind. Using a cup of Epsom salts and a cup of baking soda will also relax you while removing toxins from the body.
Play soft, relaxing music at bedtime such as classical music or soft rock. If a certain sound relaxes you, such as the sound of rain or the ocean, there are CDs and tapes available for this purpose that you can play as well.
Drink a glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed. The warmth of the milk will relax you and the calcium will soothe your nervous system and calm you down.
Drink herbal tea such as chamomile, anise, fennel or a mixture of herbs. These natural herbal teas will calm you down and help you fall asleep.
Try aromatherapy to fall asleep. Some essential oils that help you sleep are: chamomile (Roman or German), clary sage, geranium, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, neroli, rose, sandalwood or spikenard. Use a blend of some of these oils in a nebulizer in your bedroom before you go to bed or put some on cotton balls around your bed.
Try reading in bed. Don't read anything exciting or it may end up keeping you up instead of helping you fall asleep. A good choice is a how-to book or anything you need to read but haven't been looking forward to reading.
See a doctor if you are having difficulty falling asleep and nothing else has worked. Your doctor may be able to prescribe something that will help you sleep. Use this as a last resort after you've tried everything else.