How to handle Insomnia or sleeplessness
Learn the concepts of 'sleep hygiene'. 'Early to bed and early to rise', but, not only on weekdays but also on weekends. Let this become your habit. Avoid late night shows, partying etc.
Peek in to your medication list to see if any of them could give you sleepless nights. Some medicines are notorious for causing insomnia, some even cause nightmares. For instance: theophylline, beta blockers (metoprolol, Atenolol etc), steroids, thyroxin, and bronchodilators (for asthma), cocaine, methamphetamine etc. The best way to know if any of your medications may cause insomnia is to check the drug information that the pharmacist gave you when you filled your prescription, or even the internet.
Do you drink coffee? If yes, how much? Did you know a 7 oz cup of regular brewed coffee has between 80 to 135 mg of caffeine in it? Cut down on your coffee or switch to decaffeinated one. Tea has theophylline in it so it may also cause insomnia if consumed in large quantities. Remember, something that charges you during day will also keep you up all night.
Try hot shower before going to bed. Hot shower helps to relax your tense muscles.
A cup of warm milk or a banana before going to bed may also do the trick. They both are rich in serotonin. Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in brain that plays major role in sleep mechanisms.
Ask your spouse to gently massage your pressure points: shoulders, palms, soles, heels etc.
Sex is also known to induce sleep by activating some intrinsic mechanisms in the brain.
Reading a book helps fall asleep sometimes.
Make your bedroom cozy and inviting for sleep.
Vigorous exercise during day is followed by a good night sleep. The more physically tired you get during the day better sleep you will get at night.