How to Improve Defense Mechanisms
Recognize any anxiety provoking situations that lead you to begin using defense mechanisms. Write down the situations to keep an accurate record of what bothers you and how you respond. Knowing what upsets you and how you react to it will help you improve upon weak areas in your life to deal better with negativity. The list will give you a basis for moving forward and improving your skills.
Determine if these defense mechanisms are helping you cope with problematic situations or hurting you by keeping the problem going. Defense mechanisms are not always the healthiest or best way to deal with a situation. Talk to trusted friends and family members who can give you an objective viewpoint as to how a certain defense mechanism is working out for you. You may find you are keeping a problem going by utilizing a certain mechanism in your life.
Replace any defense mechanisms that are detrimental to your well-being with a more positive coping skill. Ask for help when it comes to a certain problem, plan ahead to avoid uncertainty in outcomes or reach out to help others in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. Doing so will help you to appreciate your own life and the things you have, making you a better person with a better outlook on life.
Talk to a professional counselor or therapist if you find any one particular defense mechanism too difficult to change or improve upon. This person can help you determine why you are clinging to a particular defense mechanism and help you to replace this with something healthy or improve upon that area of your life to avoid problems and disappointments.