How to Be Alert During the Day
Between a demanding job and an even more demanding family life, finding the energy to get you through your day can be challenging. That extra cup of coffee has run its course. Staying alert during the day, no matter what the task you're doing, may take even more effort than waking up early. An energy drain affects not only your mind, but your body as well. You may not look forward to activities that you usually love to do. Luckily, after ruling out any illnesses, you can make some simple adjustments to your daily routine. A fourth cup of coffee may no longer be necessary.Instructions
Rule out any illnesses. Constant tiredness and fatigue may be a sign of certain cancers and diseases and will need to be diagnosed by a medical professional.
Get adequate rest. Aim for seven to nine hours every night.
Eat frequent, healthy meals. Avoid large meals that consist of processed carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fats. Always begin your day with a healthy breakfast consisting of protein and a complex carbohydrate. For example, oatmeal and a hard-boiled egg or Greek yogurt with berries both make filling, healthy breakfasts. Approximately three hours later, have a small snack, such as a serving of almonds and a small apple. Eat small meals every three hours the rest of the day, consisting of a serving of protein and vegetables.
Avoid the late night cocktails. Sure, a drink or two at night may help you doze off, but it will only cause you to wake up in the middle of the night because of dehydration. Limit your alcohol intake to one drink and follow up with a glass of water.
Drink water throughout the day.
Reduce stress levels. Anxiety, the cause of stress, is a huge energy zapper. Get better sleep, practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation, and exercise.
Exercise. Movement as simple as a 10-minute walk can improve your mood and increase alertness.