How to Set Aspirational Goals
Think about what you aspire to be or do. This thought process can be a motivation for you to set aspirational goals and find ways to meet them. For example, you might aspire to be class president or a famous pop singer. You need to figure out what you aspire to do before you can set goals to make it happen.
Write down your aspirations and how long you think it will take to reach your goals. For example, you might want to be class president by your senior year of high school or a famous singer by the time you are 30. Having a time frame can help you to set reasonable and realistic goals to achieve your aspirations.
Think about what you value in life. Your goals and aspirations need to be in line with your values in life. Defining your values will help you to set a direction for your goals and keep you focused and on track. For example, someone who wants to be a class president likely values respect for authority and working together with people. Someone who wants to be a pop singer might value fame and fortune. These values in life set the direction and pace for you aspirational goals.
Write down the steps you believe are necessary to achieve your dreams. Be as specific and detailed as your possibly can. For example, a class president hopeful would need to make the decision to run, to have people help him campaign, to design a campaign, to make all the campaign materials and to carry out the campaign. This would involve meeting with people, participating in meetings and debates and letting people know how you will change your class for the better. The more detail you have in your goals, and the more steps you take to achieve them, the more likely you are to stay on track. Smaller goals help you to achieve larger goals.
Begin working on your goals by starting with the first thing you identified. Continue working down your list and congratulate yourself on each achievement. Expect setbacks and have a backup plan for when things might get tough. Enlist the support of friends and family to help keep you on track and stay focused on the end result.