The Principles of Psychological Tests
Intelligence Tests
A psychological test that measures intelligence is a standardized way to measure mental capability. Intelligence tests can help clinical psychologists diagnose the following: a possible personality disorder; indications of special abilities; or the presence of intellectual limitations. Some professionals believe, however, that intelligence tests are biased toward those who respond well to testing and can also be skewed based upon a person's level of education. They can also be inaccurately scored and produce faulty results.
Personality Tests
Personality tests are designed to evaluate aspects of the test taker's emotional and social functioning abilities. There are two major types of personality tests: objective and projective. Objectives tests may ask the participant to answer questions with a steadfast answer, such as yes or no, true or false, or always or sometimes or never. The most common objective personality test is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Interview or MMPI. Projective personality tests rate the participant's judgment and thought process by presenting a stimulus and asking for a response. Personality tests can help diagnose anxiety, maladjustment, hostility and depression.
Medical Tests
Neuropsychological tests are those that asses the cognitive abilities and neurological functioning of the participant. These tests may show that deficiencies are present because of medical or psychiatric conditions. One type of neuropsychological test is a structured behavioral observation by a psychologist. These tests can also measure change in behavior, and can be useful when combined with other testing.