How to Create an Anger Genogram
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil or pen
Draw a circle in the middle of a piece of blank paper. Place your name, picture or a something you choose to represent you in the circle.
Draw several straight lines out from the middle circle so it resembles a sun's rays. Place smaller circles at the end of each line. Write down any triggers you have for anger, such as waiting at the doctor's office or being called a nasty name, in each circle. Draw more circles if you need to.
Draw a few lines from each smaller circle and place a square at the end of each one. Write down your negative reaction to each trigger you identified, such as yelling at a person or punching a wall.
Draw a few more lines from each smaller circle and place a triangle at the end of each one. Write down any positive coping skills you have for each trigger you identified, such as walking away or counting to 10.