How to Increase Self-Respect
Focus on yourself. You can focus on yourself in a variety of ways. First, stop being envious of other people, such as comparing your accomplishments to those of others. Everyone is different, and failing to "beat" someone else at life only demoralizes you. Worry about doing the things you like to do and achieving the goals that you want, rather than letting others decide what paths you should take. With this in mind, take the time to focus on leisure activities, such as hobbies, that you find enjoyable and productive.
Help your community. This is not to be confused with living up to others' expectations, but rather taking the time to assist those around you. If you help improve your community, you will see the results and in turn, feel much more valuable.
Accept challenges. Backing down or retreating every time a challenge presents itself will make you feel weak. Whether you fail or succeed, the fact that you put your fears aside and faced the challenge will still help your self-respect. Actually overcoming the challenge will feel even better, but in order to do that, you first have to try.
Know your good characteristics. If you do not see yourself as a unique, talented individual, then self-esteem cannot flourish. List your accomplishments and talents. Write these positive facts down, and always keep them in mind. When you list your successes, you do not have to focus on the biggest ones. Everything from learning to play an instrument to graduating high school is an accomplishment.
Socialize wisely. If you want to feel good about yourself, you need to stay away from people who are negative or not supportive. People who dismiss your ideas or put you down will only damage your respect for yourself more. On the other hand, positive and supportive people will appreciate your ideas and contributions. This will make you feel like a person, not a doormat.
Avoid self-criticism. If you constantly see yourself in a negative light, you will feel ugly, inadequate and unintelligent. You should always approach situations like finances, relationships and career choices in a positive way. Even if things are not the way you want them to be, there is always a positive side or a way to improve a situation.