Disadvantages of a Psychological Observation
Psychological observation is part of a larger psychological assessment. Assessments help in determining the cause of a problem, thus helping to find a solution. Observers assess behaviors and emotions and compare the results to similar, past client observations to form an accurate diagnosis. Although all observation methods have some disadvantages, they are helpful in diagnosing such disorders as depression, anxiety and panic disorders. Observation must be part of a larger assessment program as many psychological disorders have similar symptoms.
General Observation
Observational studies take place when a researcher observes a situation and records the events that happen. With undisclosed observation, the observer does not interfere or manipulate the situation in any way. As long as the observer remains unnoticed, results tend to be valid but replication does not produce the same results. Observation allows the observer to see the truth of a situation, as opposed to possibly dishonest answers patients offer when asked questions about the situation that just occurred. Other types of observation include non-participant, participant, structured, unstructured and controlled.
Laboratory Observation
Laboratory observation is typically participant-based where the observer has the benefit of sophisticated equipment. This method allows more control than that of a naturalistic observation but limits reality. Results may be biased and not conclusive as to cause and effect. The other disadvantage to laboratory observation is that behavior may differ from that in a natural environment. With this method, the observer has the option of being a non-participant and the study itself may be structured and controlled.
Naturalistic Observation
Naturalistic observation allows the observer to record things as they occur in the natural environment, and is useful in the first stages of research. The researcher in this situation has little or no control over the events, which otherwise may be biased. As with laboratory observation, this method does not allow for firm conclusions on cause and effect. This method is typically unstructured while the observer is a non-participant.