Steps to Get Rid of Anger
Hold onto your anger without lashing out. Think about something positive, and then express your anger in rational words or in writing.
Make it clear to yourself what it is that is making you angry. Ask yourself how you will recover from your anger without hurting others. This could include a discussion with the person at whom you are angry.
Breathe deeply from your diaphragm when you feel angry. Fill your lungs to the bottom. Picture filling your belly with air. Just breathing into your chest isn't enough.
Participate in long stretching, such as yoga. This can ease your muscles and clear your mind.
Say calming words to yourself whenever you feel you are getting angry, such as "It will be OK," "This will pass," "Be calm." This will get your mind to rationalize more and stop focusing on the problem that is making you angry.
Replace thoughts such as, "Everything is ruined and I am completely furious," with "Things aren't so great right now but they will get better." If done frequently, this will change the way you think.