Help for Teens in Nebraska
First Step Recovery and Wellness Center
With two locations in Lincoln, First Step Recovery and Wellness Center ( has a professional staff and aggressive treatment programs that help adolescents overcome addition problems. A number of programs are available, each based on a 12-step model of recovery. First Step's outpatient substance abuse program, for instance, helps teens identify and understand their addictions and teaches the skills needed to overcome addiction in everyday life. The center's staff will work to tailor the program to the teen's specific issues.
Center Pointe, Inc.
CenterPointe ( provides help for teens with mental or substance abuse issues. CenterPointe was established in 1973 to provide quality care for patients who otherwise would be unable to afford it. CenterPointe uses a model of treatment that addresses both mental illness and substance abuse on equal terms. CenterPointe offers two program options for teens ages 13 to 18. One is a traditional outpatient program to help teens progress their recovery. A more intensive outpatient program is designed for patients who need more therapeutic help than the traditional patient.
Nebraska Children's Home Society
Nebraska Children's Home Society ( provides confidential services for teens facing unintended pregnancies. For teens who decide to give up their children for adoption, the society can help formulate an adoption plan, locate potential adoptive parents and host support groups where the teens can meet other birth parents. For teens who plan to parent their child, Nebraska Children's Home Society can connect them with community resources and help write their parenting plans.
White River Academy
White River Academy ( helps young males with behavioral issues live up to their full potential. The academy addresses several facets of a troubled teen's life to foster permanent changes. The academy helps teens realize their self-worth and effectively deal with stress. The academy also works to lessen peer influence by helping teens develop personal values. The academy is an accredited school for grades six to 12.