How to Get Help for Alcohol Dependency
Let the people in your life know that you are seeking help for your alcohol dependency. Emphasize how important it will be for you to have their support and empathy during your road to recovery.
Talk to your family doctor about your alcohol dependency and how you want to receive help. Your doctor can often set you up in an alcohol treatment program and recommend other professionals who can help you. They can also prescribe medication that can help you with your alcohol dependency. Medications can help with withdrawal symptoms, reduce your craving for alcohol or make you feel ill if you combine them with alcohol. Help from a physician alone might not be enough to assist you with your alcohol dependency, so be sure to utilize other sources, as well.
Start seeing a counselor. A counselor who is trained in treating alcohol dependency can help you work through the emotional issues that may be affecting your drinking problem, as well as cope with any setbacks.
Join a support group for people who have an alcohol dependency, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Hearing from others who are in your situation, as well as those who have successfully quit drinking, will inspire you and keep you motivated on your path toward recovery.
Get a partner in your path toward recovery. This should be someone that you trust and can talk to and confide in during moments of weakness. AA programs, for instance, generally supply each member with someone who will monitor her progress, and offer help and guidance when necessary.
Help yourself. Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings while working on your addiction. Continue to say positive things to yourself, and eliminate all temptations from your life. Getting a new hobby can also be helpful when attempting to overcome alcohol dependency.