Common Contextualized Images in Dreams
Nudity in a dream often takes on the emotional significance of authenticity, transparency, vulnerability and openness. It is important to take note of the dreamer's emotional feeling during the dream. For example, the significance of nudity in a dream differs depending on the dreamer's emotional reaction to being nude in the dream. The meaning of nudity for a dreamer who reports feeling embarrassment is different from the dreamer who reports feeling "free" or "euphoric." It is the context of the dreamer's emotional state and waking life that reveals the meaning of the nudity.
Unable to Run Away
Trying to run away in a dream can represent a feeling of loss of volition or power. The emotional reaction to not being able to run is often fear and panic. It has been found that in waking life the dreamer is going through a situation where she feels out of control or impotent. Dreams of throwing unsuccessful punches or not being able to speak also are common images of impotency and fear of loss of control. Victims who have experienced a traumatic event often report having dreams in which they are unable to effectively respond to a threatening situation.
Flying is one of the most typical contextualized dream images. Flying in a dream can symbolize a sense of success, volition, autonomy, freedom and elation. It is not uncommon for individuals who have just graduated, earned a promotion or achieved success to dream of flying. Flying without effort depicts a sense of certainty and security, whereas flying that takes a lot of effort might represent a certain fear of failure.
Loosing Teeth
The emotional connotation of losing teeth often depicts a fear of the loss of something or someone that is cherished by the dreamer. Teeth are an intimate part of our body and serve as social ambassador through a smile. Individuals who have lost, or fear the loss of a loved one, job, or romantic partner, often dream of tooth loss.