How to Stop Drinking Through Treatment
Research treatment facilities to determine which program is most compatible with your needs. Look through treatment center information such as pamphlets and videos. Call each facility to ask any questions you may have.
Talk to family members about your decision to enter treatment. Their support will be important as you progress in the program. Answer any questions they may have about your decision.
Enter the facility of your choice. Ask the staff for additional support when needed so you can acclimate to the expectations of the program.
Participate as fully as possible in all aspects of the program, including group and individual therapies. Be as honest with your therapist as possible. Holding back may keep you from progressing toward your goal of continued sobriety after treatment. Openly discuss your experiences and thoughts in groups. You may find that sharing and hearing the stories of others can help you overcome feelings of being alone in your drinking problem.
Plan your discharge from treatment carefully with the help of treatment center staff. Make a written plan that includes names and phone numbers of people you can call during difficult times, activities to keep your mind off drinking, contact information for local support groups and goals for continuation in recovery.
Use the coping skills you have learned in treatment when you are facing an opportunity to drink again. Remind yourself of everything you accomplished during treatment and how many days you have been sober. Refer to your discharge plan to find a support group to attend or a supportive friend to call. Make a habit of implementing your plan every time you are tempted to drink.