Therapressure Protocol
The Therapressure Protocol is one of three parts of a therapeutic approach called the Wilbarger Approach to Sensory Defensiveness. The protocol, also called "brushing," involves the use of a soft, densely bristled brush to put sufficient pressure to the hands, arms, legs, feet and back of the sufferer.
The frequent, deep pressure placed on the hands, feet, arms, legs and back is thought to have a regulatory effect on a sufferers behavioral response to stimuli, helping to keep them calm during every day activities. Along with the other components of the therapy, education and "sensory diet," therapressure is thought to help maintain long-term positive effects of sensory defensiveness therapy.
Sensory Defensiveness Disorder
People with Sensory Defensiveness Disorder are over-responsive to sensory input. Some sufferers tend to experience the "fight or flight" response to even mild stimuli such as the sound of rustling paper nearby. Others tend to withdraw or avoid most activities which may trigger their sensitivities. The Therapressure Protocol, as part of a larger therapeutic approach, is intended to help desensitize people with the disorder and allow them to function more normally day-to-day.