How to Focus and Think Clearly
Practice focusing on a daily basis to train your mind. Take breaks, eliminate distractions and focus your mind. The more you practice these techniques, the easier it will be for you to focus and think clearly.
Stop what you are doing. Take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing. The act of breathing in and out will calm you down and help center your mind on one task.
Find a place where you can be alone, even if it is the bathroom at work. If you must stay where you are, close your eyes for a few minutes.
Assess your stress. Distractions generally occur when you are stressed or frazzled by deadlines, noise or other people. Think of all the people, places and things that distract you during the course of a day. Now imagine these distractions slowly disappearing until all you see in your mind is emptiness.
Develop a mantra, or phrase, to use in times of stress and distraction. Say "My mind is a blank canvas" or "Relax and focus." The phrase should be simple yet powerful, and meaningful to you.
Repeat your chosen phrase while breathing deeply to center your mind and begin thinking clearly.