How to Analyze Ink Blot Test Results
Things You'll Need
- 10 6 3/4 inch by 9 inch Rorschach inkblot tests on heavy card
- Couch
- Notepad
- Pencil
Ask the subject to relax and lay down on a couch. When being examined by a psychologist or psychiatrist, the patient needs to feel comfortable and ready to discuss his inner conflicts and emotions. A soothing chair and room helps in this process.
Present the first Rorschach inkblot image. Give the subject ample time to interpret the inkblot. Ask her what she thinks it looks like, the first thought that pops into her head. Take notes on how much time it takes for her to say what she sees and comments she has about each inkblot. Ask the subject if she sees anything else in the inkblot. Take notes on everything said between you and the subject. Also, write down any anxiety or emotions, she displays while taking the test. Discussing the first image may be the most stressful for the subject because this test is the new to her, which is completely normal behavior.
Present the next inkblot card. The Rorschach inkblot test comprises 10 individual inkblots, and they are given to the subject in a particular order. Write down your notes. Do not forget to examine the way the subject holds each inkblot and any facial expressions she has. Continue showing each inkblot to the subject until all 10 are discussed. Take your time in this process.
Compare the images seen by your subject against the most common answers for the each image, which can be found in Rorschach testing books. John E. Exner, an American psychologist, wrote the "The Rorschach: Advanced interpretation" book and developed his own scoring system using the inkblots in the 1960s, the height of the Rorschach test's popularity. His scoring system used the location of the image, the determinants of the responses, the content of the images, and the popularity of images seen by the subject.
Consider all psychological information about your subject when analyzing your results. This test is used today more as tool to open up the subject and assess any surprises in their responses. It is considered highly subjective, and most psychologists do not agree on interpretations. Some psychologists now believe there are cultural differences that vary the average image responses.