How to Prepare for a Psychological Test
Talking with a psychologist or psychiatrist can be intimidating, or even downright frightening. You are being asked to reveal intimate details of your life to a complete stranger. Preparation for psychological testing can help ease your fears and make the test more comfortable for you.
Research the test you are taking, if possible. Some psychologists will inform you of the test you will be administered. You can do research online or ask the psychologist to provide you with some written information regarding the test. Knowing what you are going to be discussing may ease some fears and anxiety.
Meet with the psychologist prior to the test administration. If you are unable to meet face-to-face, arrange for a phone call. You may feel more at ease discussing your issues with someone you have previously met or spoken to, even if it is only once.
Try not to focus solely on the test. Stick with your daily routine and do not let the idea of taking a psychological test overtake your life. Devoting too much energy or thought to the test will be counterproductive.
Get a good night's rest prior to taking the test. Sleep deprivation will not help you perform your best or remember all the details you need to discuss. Try having a light breakfast of toast and coffee before meeting with the psychologist.
Be open and honest in your answers to the questions. The psychologist is trying to gain a better understanding of you and your issues in order to help you. Lying or not giving the whole story will only interfere with receiving the best possible outcome for you.