How to Write a Family Contract For Counseling
Arrange to meet with all family members who will be participating in counseling. Any family member over the age of 14 can sign the contract for themselves; the parents will need to sign for any minors.
Discuss the benefits and risks of receiving counseling. Ask each family member to discuss the goals they would like accomplish during counseling, and write all goals down on a piece of paper. Be sure all the goals identified are realistic. Have the family agree on three to five goals to start. Write these goals down in the "Treatment" section of the contract.
Review the counseling confidentiality policy. Explain that most conversations will be kept between yourself and the family, with a few exceptions. Those exceptions will include reporting incidents of suspected or validated abuse or neglect or if a family member is deemed a threat to himself or others.
Have each family member sign release forms giving you permission to speak to outside parties if necessary. Explain to the family why it would be necessary to discuss the counseling session with this person; for example, you may discuss progress or problems with your supervisor as a means to assist in the family's therapy.
Review the attendance expectations with the family. Let the family know how often you will be meeting with them (weekly, bi-weekly, or some other duration) and explain the importance of keeping every appointment.
Explain the cancellation procedure to the family--who to call if they can not make an appointment and any fees involved with a missed appointment--and document all this information in the contract.
Discuss your fees, billing procedures, record-keeping policies and any other information you deem relevant to the family's counseling. You can also talk about the expected duration of the counseling sessions and schedule any progress check-ups or meetings. Document all dates, fees and miscellaneous information in the family counseling contract.
Review the contract with the family and clarify any questions. Make any necessary changes to the contract at this time. Once all the parties are satisfied with the goals, rules, fees and other information, have each family member sign the contract. You need to sign the contract and provide each family member with a copy. Keep a copy for your own records.