How to Manage Paranoia
Avoid confrontation whenever possible. Talk politely and courteously to others. If you disagree with what someone says, you should end the conversation or change the topic. Physical or verbal confrontation lead to stress and anxiety that can induce paranoid thoughts.
Tell yourself that the voices you hear or things you see when you are alone aren't real. Ignore the tricks your brain plays on you and, eventually, you can train yourself to exist without these creations.
Talk about your suspicions and fears to people you can trust. Take their advice, even if they think you're simply mistaken. Build trust and get advice from your friends can help you avoid paranoid thoughts.
Eat, sleep and exercise regularly so your body will be healthy. Establish healthy habits and lifestyle choices to encourage positive thinking. Focus on daily tasks and chores to manage or reduce paranoid thoughts.
Seek professional help if paranoia or paranoid thoughts persist.