List of Psychological Test Instruments
Aptitude and Achievement Tests
These tests are administered in K-12 schools, universities and colleges. They are more commonly known by their acronyms such as the SATs, PSATs, GREs or other. These tests measure how much information you have learned from a specific subject, such as math or literature, and what your capacity is to learn the subject. It is very common for these to be used in an academic setting to determine class level or acceptance into certain programs.
Rorschach Test
This is also known as the inkblot test. Rorschach is meant to determine the personality type of the subject taking the test. The test is administered by showing an individual a series of cards with blots of ink on them. The person reports pictures they may see on the cards and any feelings or emotions they had while the card was being shown. From this information the psychologist can more easily determine the personality type of the test subject.
Simon-Binet Scale
This is a scale that determines IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, and is determined by the equation IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100. There are many different intelligence tests available. This means that two people with the same IQ may have taken two different tests, and in fact do not have the same IQ. Keep in mind that these tests also measure your ability to learn, not how much you already know. Many people believe that it is impossible to study for an IQ test.