Funding Options for Residential Treatment Programs
School Assistance
Unlike private schools, public schools are often required by law to make certain provisions available, in order for a student to obtain the appropriate educational tools. Different sources that derive from public school districts include counseling services and individual education plans (IEP), which serve as an educational plan for that individual student. This document also helps provide government financial assistance and funding for different treatment programs recommended by the IEP. The family member with the diagnosed disorder or addiction must be a current student within the public school system in order to submit an IEP.
Insurance Plans
Although services vary among health insurance plans, some do cover mental health services. When scrutinizing a insurance policy, contact the insurer prior to residential treatment for all of the necessary coverage details. Next, contact the insurance company's benefits administrator to request a written documentation of the coverage provided for mental health treatments. Lastly, ensure that the mental health care provider accepts the insurance policy or plan in question.
A simpler task for funding residential treatment that does not require governmental assistance is taking out a loan. Some loan services specifically cater to health care needs. Common loans for behavioral treatment include Clark Behavioral Loans and Hope Loans. Obtaining a regular bank loan can also be an option especially if the customer has a long-standing relationship with a specific bank or creditor. Foundations such as the Friends of Family with Children in Crisis continues to provide collateralized loans to families in need of financial assistance as well.
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