Treatments for Oppositional Behavior
Individual and family counseling will help with new behavior strategies. Individual counseling teaches the child anger management techniques. Social skills training assists her in peer understanding and cooperation for increased flexibility with others. Cognitive skills training also helps children focus on a positive perspective and assists with problem solving. In family counseling, participants learn to improve communication skills.
No specific medication actually treats oppositional behavior, although some prescriptions can assist in addressing the symptoms of oppositional behavior. Sometimes attention deficit disorder, depression or anxiety disorders co-exist with oppositional behavior, and medication treats those symptoms as well. Parents need to discuss the options, risks and benefits with their child's doctor.
Parental Support
Parents can intervene with their children in several ways. Focusing on positive actions and praising the child will increase desired behaviors. Parents can model taking a break if they need to and the child should be encouraged to do the same. Prioritize issues--choose battles wisely. Enforce limits with appropriate consequences. Parents must recognize that they cannot be consumed by their child's issue and must know when to take time for themselves. Work with the school and other agencies. Use relaxation, spiritual support and exercise to aid in stress-reduction.
Additional Suggestions
Several other strategies help the individual deal with oppositional behavior. A consistent daily schedule keeps the individual on track. Learn to talk feelings out and admit mistakes. Develop rewards and positive incentives for meeting goals.
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