Clinical Psychologist Treatment
Psychotherapy is a treatment that consists of an ongoing dialogue between a psychologist and his patient. The patient discusses her feelings and behavior, and the psychologist helps her develop productive coping skills and stress management. This type of treatment addresses conditions such as anxiety, personality and sleep disorders.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes the role of thoughts in a patient's feelings and actions. The goal of this treatment is to help a patient understand that if he adjusts his thoughts, he can produce healthy and positive feelings and actions. Cognitive-behavioral treatment rarely exceeds 16 sessions.
Psychoanalysis is concerned with the unconscious factors that negatively influence a patient's pattern of behavior and actions. This treatment ultimately seeks out the initial adoption of these patterns to help the patient understand how and why they were created. Once the patient has an understanding of these patterns, the psychologist works with her to create a way to better cope with daily life.