Basic Activities for Writing Therapy

Face-to-face therapy sessions are not always the best or most practical approaches to treating physical, emotional or cognitive problems. Writing therapy aids in recovering from multiple afflictions and can be used by anyone for little or no money at all. Recovering addicts can write to keep themselves on track. People recovering from physical conditions can use writing to help them set goals and improve communication and motor skills. Even young children, when given writing exercises at an early age, can increase their emotional and mental maturity.
  1. Journal Writing

    • Keeping a journal about life is a great way to continually keep track of emotional health. Journal entries are often produced on a regular basis or during times of emotional upheaval. Reports have suggested that people who keep journals show improved mood, reduced blood pressure and fewer stress-related symptoms. They also show mental improvements by having higher memories, grade point averages and fewer absences from school or work. Journal-writing therapy is most effective when it uses expressive tones, such as describing emotions, current moods, future goals and other topics often covered in regular face-to-face therapy sessions.

    Cognitive Therapy

    • In cognitive therapy, a series of probing questions must be answered in writing. These questions often have to do with emotions and life experiences too inconvenient or too difficult to talk about in person. Some question samples include what a person worries about, fears or imagines will happen in their life. Writing an imaginary dialogue can also help people say what they wish to communicate in person. If someone is dealing with self-doubt or low self-esteem, filling in blanks or answering questions with positive words about themselves helps improve confidence and mood.


    • Setting cursive writing to music is called callirobics. This writing therapy is for people who need a stress-free way to practice writing. It has been used in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and schools. The purpose of using callirobics is to make writing more enjoyable, improve handwriting and hand movements, learn or regain writing skills in a relaxing and stress-free way and gain self-discipline and self-esteem.

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