Psychopharmacology Issues
Cognitive therapy enables individuals to change the way they think about the world and be more in touch with reality. Medication is necessary when distorted perceptions are so ingrained that cognitive techniques do not work or are counter productive. Medical professionals determine whether the condition is severe enough to warrant prescription drugs.
Remember that medications are not a cure. Mental illnesses can be controlled, but never cured. Relapse is always possible, and factors such as stress or trauma can recreate earlier symptoms. Medication gives the brain "breathing room" so patients can put their lives back together.
General Practitioners
It's best to consult a mental health specialist when contemplating drug therapy. General practitioners are typically too busy to have a deep understanding of often subtle mental health issues. General practitioners should refer patients to licensed practitioners and psychotherapists.
Once symptoms begin to improve with drug therapy, patients need to take charge of their lives and avoid the associations and habits that caused their problems. Alcohol and drugs should be avoided, especially since they can interfere with medications.