What is the Therapeutic Level of Topamax?

One of the most effective drugs that is used to treat people who are suffering seizures is topiramate (also known as Topamax). It is also widely used to treat people with mood disorders.
  1. Effectiveness

    • Topamax is often prescribed for treatment of bipolar disorders, because it works well for patients who do not respond to other mood stabilizers such as lithium. It also has more tolerable side effects.

    Initial Dosage

    • After an initial prescribed dosage, which is generally 12.5 to 25 mg once or twice daily, the total dosage is increased in the same amount every week.

    Therapeutic Levels for PTSD

    • For patients who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the therapeutic level, or the daily amount used for the control of the disorder, is roughly 175 mg per day. Dosages range from 25 to 500 mg, depending upon the severity of a patient's disorder.

    Therapeutic Levels for Bipolars

    • The therapeutic level of topiramate for bipolar patients and those with other mood disorders is most often 50 to 200 mg per day, depending upon the severity of the patient's disorder. However, some require doses of up to 400 mg to achieve stabilizing results.


    • As topiramate can be excreted through breast milk, infants can be affected by the medication if they are breast-fed. Therefore, women who take this medication and are, or expect to become, pregnant should talk with their doctor about a safer, alternative stabilizer that they can take during their pregnancy.

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