Anxiety Disorder Treatment With Oxygen
What is an Anxiety Disorder
Those with anxiety disorders suffer from anxious and or stressful thoughts to the point where it negatively affects their daily routines. Anxiety is not limited to feelings of uneasiness but also phobias, panic attacks and other physical repercussions.
Oxygen and Anxiety
Since the human body releases oxygen when experiencing stress, those with anxiety disorders lose more oxygen than the average person. When the amount of oxygen to the brain is increased so is the level of serotonin that is released, which can also reduce anxiety.
Oxygen as Treatment for Anxiety
Oxygen, as the air we breathe, is vital to keeping our minds healthy. The easiest way to use oxygen as a treatment for anxiety is to practice breathing techniques. Since breathing and emotions have an undeniable connection, breathing exercises can help treat anxiety by inducing feelings of calmness. Having awareness of the breath is an important key to inhaling enough oxygen daily.
It is not advisable to try Oxygen therapy without physician supervision Oxygen Therapy, or the administration oxygen by use of a nasal canula, requires physician supervision and is not commonly treated for anxiety disorders. These methods of increasing oxygen are used in circumstances such as major trauma, hypothermia and active convulsions.
It is important to seek the help of a qualified physician when experiencing symptoms of anxiety that are higher than normal. Only a doctor can determine the most effective way to treat an individual's anxiety disorder, whether it be increasing oxygen intake or prescribing medicine.