Chemical Imbalance Myths
Disorders such as anxiety and depression are caused by too little of a neurotransmitter, or low serotonin, in the brain. For many years, multinational companies have benefited from claims that depleted serotonin in the brain is linked to depression.
It takes only two to three imbalanced neurotransmitters out of more than 100 to develop depression. In 1963, psychiatrists experimented with drugs, mostly LSD, and discovered a wide variety of behaviors, emotions and personalities they could influence in a person with a tiny amount of the drug. "Life Magazine" introduced the concept of brain chemical imbalances based on these experiments, says the website
There is no evidence that any mental disorder is associated with chemical imbalance in the brain, says the website
Low serotonin levels have been associated with mental states and behavioral patterns such as depression, aggressiveness, suicide, lack of self-confidence, failure, low impulse control, binge eating and substance abuse.
Studies and case reports have established that antidepressant use can cause permanent damage to vital organs.