Non Prescription Anxiety Remedies
Simple lifestyle changes can often lessen the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. First, you must identify the sources of your anxiety. Pinpoint the activities or situations that prompt your anxiety and be aware of those causes. Develop a plan to solve one worry at a time. Try writing down the specific problem and resolving it by initiating action. Solving worries one at a time allows you to quickly relieve your anxiety about that specific circumstance.
Begin an exercise regime if you don’t currently have one. Exercise boosts the immune system and your mood, and it eases stress and anxiety. Develop a comfortable routine that allows you to exercise 20 to 30 minutes most days of the week. Run, bike, play a sport or even garden to get in some daily exercise.
Improving your diet is also beneficial to easing anxiety. Steer clear of processed foods, fatty foods and too much sugar. Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine may also exacerbate anxiety long term. Maintain a diet filled with omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, fruits and B vitamins.
Maintain a regulated sleep schedule. Sleep deprivation can cause a large amount of mental and physical health issues and may increase your anxiety. Depending on your age, you may need seven or more hours of sleep a night for optimal brain function.
Finally, relaxation techniques can also be very beneficial as an anxiety remedy. Yoga, meditation and breathing methods can quiet the mind. Sign up for a class at your local gym to begin a relaxation technique.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal anxiety remedies such as kava, valerian and vitamin B have not been scientifically proven to help anxiety, but they have been reported as effective non-prescription anxiety remedies. Choose only one herbal supplement to avoid interactions with other drugs you may be taking.
Take up to three doses of kava a day to alleviate symptoms, or utilize valerian root as a sleep aid and anxiety reducer. Limit your intake of kava to short periods as it has been associated with liver damage and, as a result, is banned in many countries.
Vitamin B is essential for producing neurotransmitters for brain function, which may reduce anxiety. Keep your diet rich in foods with vitamin B or take a supplement for the best results. Consult with your physician before beginning to take an herbal supplement.
Therapy is also an effective non-prescription anxiety remedy. Visit a counselor to talk about lifestyle changes, stressors and other worries that may be causing your anxiety. Your therapist may engage in cognitive behavior therapy, which will teach you to recognize any unconstructive behaviors or feelings that may be causing your anxiety and to exchange them for positive solutions.