Emotional Exhaustion Treatment
If you don't know for sure that you are emotionally exhausted, look for the telltale signs. Your sleep may be disrupted, and you may feel low self-esteem. Nervousness, irritability, frustration, anxiety and depression are also hallmarks of emotional exhaustion. Physical symptoms can include fatigue, persistent headaches, runny stool, upset stomach, heart palpitations and sweating. You may also be relying on alcohol, drugs or food.
Lifestyle Changes
Changes in lifestyle may alleviate some symptoms of emotional exhaustion. Exercising can boost your mood by giving you a shot of adrenaline. It may also give you a sense of accomplishment. Start with 20 minutes every other day to build up your stamina, and increase the time as you see fit.
Eat healthy food and limit your fat intake. Fat and simple sugars give your blood sugar a quick boost that slowly fades. Eating healthier sugars that come from fruits and grains give you a longer, more sustained boost of energy that keeps you balanced and happy.
Try to limit the demands on your time and energy. Do something enjoyable once a week. Go on a road trip, relax in a spa, go swimming or buy yourself something nice.
Professional Help
Sometimes lifestyle changes aren’t enough. You may need to join a self-help group or seek counseling. In self-help groups members discuss their problems. This can help eliminate some of the emotional isolation that comes with emotional exhaustion. By talking to people who feel the same way you do, you can feel better about yourself and realize you aren’t alone.
If you need more intensive help, you may want to talk with a counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. You may be able to get at the problems that are sapping your energy. You also may be able to get medication.