Medications for Treating Seniors for Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders older adults may experience. Symptoms may include fear, panic or anxiety in settings where most people would not feel any concern or alarm, muscle tension, sleep disturbance and fatigue. Without treatment, such disorders can restrict a person's ability to work, maintain relationships or participate in day-to-day activities.
Everyone gets the "blues" or experiences periods of sadness and sorrow. Depression, however, is a serious medical disorder that can affect thinking, emotions, behavior and physical health. Symptoms may include very low energy levels, inability to perform day-to-day tasks, problems with concentrating, feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger, changes in appetite or thoughts of death or suicide.
Anxiety Medications
Anxiety medications do not cure the disorder, but they do help to keep symptoms under control, enabling a senior to lead a normal and fulfilling life. These fast-acting medications, which include Xanax, Valium and Activan, can result in a patient developing a dependence and immunity to them. Increased dosages would be needed to obtain the same effects. Because of this possibility, these medications usually are prescribed only for short periods of time to avoid the risk of addiction.
Depression Medications
Antidepressants do not cure depression; however, they can control certain symptoms of the disorder by correcting a chemical imbalance in the brain. Noticeable results may not be seen for six to eight weeks, and individuals are instructed not to stop taking prescribed medications without consulting their physician. Wellbutrin is an example of an effective drug for treating depression, but it is not recommended for an individual also suffering from anxiety.
Similar Medications
There are a number of anxiety medications classified as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that originally were used for treating depression but also are effective in treating anxiety. It is thought their efficiency is a result of correcting an imbalance of the brain's chemical serotonin, which can alter and modify the patient's mood.
Lexapro is one example of an SSRI antidepressant drug considered safe for treating anxiety also. A study performed at Washington University School of Medicine indicated participants who took this drug showed improvement in anxiety symptoms and routine daily functioning. The study results also indicated it took about four weeks for the benefits of the drug to be apparent. Other examples of drugs that may be used to treat both depression and anxiety include Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac.