Natural Treatment Compared to Medication for ADHD
Take sugar out of the diet. Researchers Langseth and Dowd found that 74% of 261 hyperactive children in their study had abnormal sugar metabolism. This means that children with ADHD do not metabolize sugar normally and this may cause hyperactive behavior.
Chemical Additives
Remove all chemical additives from the diet. Examples include sodium benzoate and benzoic acid. Additional examples include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).
Artificial Colors
Remove artificial colors from the diet. These can be found in foods and drinks such as boxed macaroni and cheese, packaged snack foods and sodas. Just by removing these from the diet, it is likely one will experience a greater attention span and decreased symptoms of ADHD.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Supplement the diet with Omega-3 fatty acids. These can be found in the form of fish oils. These stabilize the brain's chemistry and provide for longer lasting self-control for the ADHD patient.
Eat extra protein. Protein takes longer to digest and there is evidence that this helps a person focus for longer periods of time.
If natural remedies do not work, medication is another treatment option. For this one must consult with a trained physician. Options here include Strattera, Concerta, Ritalin and others. Side effects can include decreased appetite, insomnia and irritability.