Holistic Remedies for ADHD
Food and Drink
What we eat and drink plays a huge factor in how we feel. This fact is even truer for the person with ADHD. Avoid feeding your child food with sugar whenever possible. Children with ADHD and ADD have trouble digesting these properly. Sugar has been linked to restlessness and aggressive behavior. Carefully monitor drinks as well. Some fruit juices contain more sugar than a can of soda, so read the labels carefully. Also, don't be fooled by sugar-free drinks. Some contain phosphates that alter the calcium and magnesium levels in the body. This can cause exaggerated muscle activity and even twitching.
Herbal Remedies
Some herbal remedies such as Ginkgo Biloba and Siberian Ginseng have shown results in children with ADHD. Both herbs help to increase blood flow to the brain and thus improve the ability to focus. They have been shown to increase brain activity and reduce anxiety.
Rocking Chair Therapy
Allowing a child with ADHD to sit in a rocker can have some positive effects. Studies conducted in the Iredell Statesville School in North Carolina showed that children with ADD and ADHD seemed to concentrate better and focus while they were sitting in a rocking chair. The rhythmic motion calms the body and the mind, allowing children with ADHD to become more focused. The motion also releases endorphins into the body, causing an overall good feeling. Children were able to read for longer periods of time while using the rocking chair. Further studies showed that study habits improved for children with ADD and ADHD if they had access to a rocking chair.
Lack of sunlight can lead to depression due to the drop in serotonin levels. Another problem that can develop is a condition known as sensory integrative dysfunction (SID). The symptoms of SID are nearly identical to ADD and ADHD. Exposing your child to more natural sunlight could lessen their symptoms.