Antipsychotic Medication Side Effects
Common Side Effects
The common side effects of antipsychotic medications include drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, increased heart rate and blood pressure, blurred vision and difficulty in urination. Other common side effects include: change in weight, blood count and hormone changes, muscle twitches, drooling, stiffening of joints and tremors.
Rare Side Effects
Rare side effects can be life threatening, but not always. Serious side effects include tardive dyskinesia (the involuntary movements of the limbs), extra-pyramidal symptoms (EPS), and in extreme cases, heart attacks and sudden death have occurred.
Antipsychotic medications can interfere with anticonvulsants, high blood pressure and Parkinson's disease medications. Other medications can enhance the effects of antipsychotic medications including narcotics, antihistamines, antidepressants, barbiturates and alcohol.
When using antipsychotic medication, the need for regular blood tests is important. Blood tests allow monitoring of diabetes, thyroid problems, cholesterol and medication levels. There is no suggested schedule for blood tests, so discuss this with your doctor.
The FDA warns against the use of antipsychotic medications for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant.