How to Quit Cymbalta
Steps to Quitting Cymbalta
Wean yourself off of the drug. Under no circumstances should Cymbalta usage be discontinued cold turkey. When first starting an antidepressant, the medication takes time to build up in the body's system, and, understandably, it takes time to safely clear it from the system once you've decided to stop taking it. Your doctor will slowly reduce your daily dosage, over a period of weeks, until you've stopped taking the medication entirely.
Consider Prozac to ease withdrawal symptoms. This widely-utilized antidepressant is often prescribed during the Cymbalta tapering-off period. Many patients have found low-dosage Prozac usage in this period useful in alleviating several withdrawal symptoms, including flagging energy levels, paranoia and sleep problems.
Take Omega-3 fatty acid nutritional supplements, such as fish oil. These acids can help with the mood swings that are common signs of Cymbalta withdrawal.
Keep a log of how you are fairing throughout the withdrawal process. Record both highs and lows, good days and bad days. And most importantly, be in regular contact with your doctor to share these findings. Your doctor will be able to fine-tune your tapering-off process to suit your needs only after hearing your input on the experience.