What are Side Effects of Ativan & Seroquel?
Ativan and Seroquel may cause drowsiness, impair concentration and impair memory. When taken together, the effects are synergistic, so these side effects are likely to be more severe than when taken separately.
Ativan and Seroquel may lower blood pressure, increase heart rate, and cause heart palpitations. These symptoms may lead to dizziness or fainting. Caution must be advised when taking both medications if a history of cardiovascular disease exists.
Ativan and Seroquel may decrease respiratory functioning. If difficulty breathing, dizziness or other side effects related to respiratory functioning occur, consult your physician. Inform your physician of any history of respiratory disease, including emphysema and COPD.
Other Side Effects
Taking Ativan and Seroquel simultaneously may increase the risk of other side effects, including gastrointestinal problems, muscle weakness and other side effects.
Alcohol consumption is not advised with either Ativan or Seroquel, since it may lead to hepatic side effects and an increased risk of serious side effects, including respiratory failure and coma.