How Does Adderall Help Adult ADHD?
Adult ADHD can make it difficult to remain organized. Homes may appear to be cluttered, items may be frequently lost, and work may be left undone due to being unable to locate necessary items. Adderall XR may help with improving organization.
Planning can be very difficult for those experiencing adult ADHD. Appointments are frequently forgotten, and tasks may be left undone. Adderall XR has shown effectiveness with improving concentration, leading to an improvement in the ability to focus on planning. Keeping a calendar, datebook or constructing a to-do list is also recommended.
Poor impulse control is common with adult ADHD. This may manifest itself in many different ways, including compulsive gambling, poor money management, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior, aggression and difficulty inhibiting speech. It can lead to problems with interpersonal relationships, since it may lead to harmful remarks being made towards others, or comments being made without fully thinking about the consequences of the remark. Adderall XR may improve impulse control, leading to an improvement in interpersonal relationships and lessen the risk of becoming involved in high risk behaviors.
Feeling restless and fidgeting is a sign of adult ADHD. While a desire to remain busy constantly can be beneficial, if it results in many tasks being left only partially finished, it is likely to lead to problems. Adderall XR has shown efficacy with decreasing feelings of restlessness, allowing an individual to remain focused on a task until it is finished.
Difficulty with concentration is a primary feature of adult ADHD. Focusing on a task until it is completed or remaining focused during a conversation is difficult. This can lead to beliefs that a person with adult ADHD is just lazy and a poor listener. Becoming bored easily is a typical symptom of adult ADHD. Many tasks may be undertaken, while few end up being completed. Adderall XR has been shown to be effective with improving concentration and attention span, making it easier to complete tasks and remain focused when listening during a conversation.
In addition to Adderall XR, other treatment options should be considered. Therapy can assist with learning new ways to cope with symptoms of ADHD and modifying behavior in order to improve concentration, limit impulsivity, etc. Adderall XR is only part of the treatment for adult ADHD.