Mental Health Care Plans
Preparing a Plan
Preparing a mental health plan requires working with a doctor to decide the best course of action for the patient. This includes an individual's mental health needs, the medical, physical, psychological and social needs that are required. Also included is the result preferred by the patient and the best course of treatment that can be prescribed. Once all of the support requirements and goals have been decided the doctor will create an appropriate mental health plan.
Mental health care plans have many benefits that allow individuals to be involved with the care that is being received. This includes setting and achieving goals that have been predetermined plus making sure that all providers are on the same page and are working towards the same goals and objectives. Mental heal plans can also help individuals and their doctors manage long-term care in a way that is easily understood and clear to the patient.
Mental health care plans also have issues that individual's should consider before having a mental health plan created. One issue to consider is that a plan will take some time to work out with a doctor to discuss treatment options that are available. Another issue to consider is that if a care giver will be required the doctor should be told before a developing a plan. Consent must be given to a doctor before a mental health care plan can be developed.
For individuals that have Medicare Australia, the cost of developing a mental health care plan with a doctor may be convered. Separate charges for specialists and other health care providers may be rebated or reimbursed. Individuals should be told by their general practitioner of any additional costs that are involved when developing a mental health plan.
Important Information
Individuals that have a mental health problem that lasts six months or longer and need care from three or more providers may require a mental health plan. When a mental health plan is developed, it will explain the type of care that is provided and who is responsible. A mental health plan should be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure that an individual's needs are still being met.