Behavior Modification in Gender Identity Disorders
An individual with gender identity disorder is commonly known as being a transsexual. Many individuals with this disorder will take great measures to become, or appear to be, a member of the opposite sex. This behavior can range from dressing like a member of the opposite sex to seeking medical attention for hormone supplements or surgery.
When there is a question of whether or not an individual has gender identity disorder, a psychiatrist makes the diagnosis by asking several questions regarding medical and psychological history. The purpose in questioning at this point is to rule out an underlying problem, such as depression. Many individuals with gender identity disorder believe they were born the wrong sex.
Definition of Behavior Modification
Behavior modification uses positive and negative approaches to teach the individual the importance of his gender. Behavior modification is also used to help with several other disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every individual participating in behavior modification has set goals and steps to assist in accepting his disorder.
Treatment for Children
The most common treatment for gender identity disorder is counseling. Along with counseling, individuals partake in behavioral modification. Individuals will participate in one on one, group and, on occasion, family counseling. In children, the counseling and behavior modification sessions are set in place to assist the individual with accepting his gender as it is.
Treatment for Adults
Like children, adults can participate in counseling and behavioral modification, if they are willing. Some adults do choose to undergo surgery and take hormone supplements to assist in transforming themselves to the opposite sex.