Residential Treatment for Mentally Retarded Children
Throughout history, mentally retarded children have been abused and neglected by societies that did not understand these disabilities. But now there are many residential treatment options available for children with special needs that foster the abilities they do have and help to teach the abilities they do not have.
While many mentally retarded children are able to function at home or in school with added attention, many are severely disabled to the point that they are unable to care for personal hygiene or even feed themselves. Residential treatment programs provide the all-day care that most parents would be unable to fulfill.
Like other residential treatment programs for the mentally ill, facilities for mentally retarded children vary according to the needs of the child. There are many degrees of mental retardation, including different disorders and different spectrums, and many programs cater to specific needs in order to provide optimal care.
Many people take offense to the idea of leaving a child behind in a program instead of raising him in the home environment. However, many parents of mentally retarded children are disabled themselves, and even those who are not do not possess the training required in order to help a child with special needs achieve his potential.
For many severely disabled children, returning home is never an option. While residential treatment programs will help mentally retarded children survive day-to-day necessities, some disabilities are too severe to be overcome and children may remain in facilities for the duration of their lives.